Aglish / An Eaglais

Ogham Stone

This is one of two ogham stones found at Aglish Church and graveyard. The other stone, which bears a Maltese cross and two swastikas, was moved to the National Museum in Dublin. This stone stands 0.9 metres high and bears a damaged ogham inscription, it was read by Macalister 1945 as "--]CELI AVI VU[D!---" CELI meaning companion or follower and AVI meaning grandson or descendant. For more information visit Ogham in 3D.

Situated: Aglish Church and graveyard.


Discovery Map 71: Q 5370 0036. Last visit July 2021.

Longitude: 10° 08' 16.0" W

Latitude: 52° 08' 09.7" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey and José Gutiérrez.

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